Kazimierz Emil Franciszek Jaworski

Kazimierz Emil Franciszek Jaworski
© listakrzystka.pl
17 augustus 1919, Lwów
18 september 1944, Regio Westerschelde
Tweede luitenant

Kazimierz Emil Franciszek Jaworski

Op 18 september keren de piloot tweede luitenant Jaworski en zijn navigator tweede luitenant Szymilewicz met hun Mosquito HK223 van het Poolse 307 squadron niet terug van hun missie. Ze vlogen een ‘intruder partol’ met hun nachtjager op zoek naar Duitse vliegers in de omgeving van Arnhem ter ondersteuning van de operatie Market Garden. Waarschijnlijk werd hun vliegtuig neergeschoten door luchtafweergeschut in de Westerschelde regio. Beiden zijn vermist.

Polish Wargraves vermeld over de missie: “The task for the Squadron was to patrol the dropping zone and safeguard the Paras from harassment by the Luftwaffe. For this purpose, a complete GCI Radar Station was flown out by glider with controllers and technical staff. Unfortunately, G/Capt John Lawrence Brown – an old friend of the Squadron from Exeter and all his staff and radar crashed on landing and the Squadron Mosquitoes were left without control.

The other task was to listen any wireless transmission, that could come from from the Paras and if any were heard, to establish contact. But there were not such transmissions on the wide band of frequenties given. It was known later that all the wireless and transmitting stations were damaged or lost on landing; this was, in spite of the heroism of the Paras.
The Squadtron were to stay in the area for 90 minutes and then return through the same intensive flak to the North Sea.”